Reblog via Ethan Marcotte
This is a remarkable thing @kissane just wrote.
Reblog via Ethan Marcotte
This is a remarkable thing @kissane just wrote.
Reblog via John Overholt
As an outgrowth of Houghton's Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation, and Freedom (SAEF) digitization project on African American history, Harvard is today releasing an open data set of the materials in the collection. Learn more at via @internetstine
Reblog via Dan Gillmor
WordPress is adopting ActivityPub and now enters the paid-newsletter market. Combine those with the traditional blogging package and this is getting quite interesting.
Reblog via Ben Werdmuller
There should be a non-profit accelerator for end-user open source projects that have the potential to make the world more equal, inclusive, and democratic.
I don’t actually have the box of this one anymore (we gift forward or donate our old puzzles once we’ve done them) but I believe our version was this one on Amazon: 1000 Piece Puzzle, Colorful Doors. This is the kind of puzzle I really like – though the colors are a bit loud/bright for … Read more
Not Salem MA, but apparently Salem Ontario This was pretty difficult as a puzzle – lots of texture but difficult to identify the various bits.
The Boston WordPress Meetup will be meeting tonight to celebrate 20 years of WordPress. We’ve not been meeting as a Boston WordPress meetup for 20 years, but we have been meeting as a local group since 2009 – the first BostonWP event was a meeting at Diva in Davis Square to which 6 people RSVP’D. … Read more
Via Rock Saws: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars puzzle. These album cover puzzles are a bit hit-and-miss. Because the original cover art was not designed to be a puzzle, there are often large volumes of just single color or very light texture. That isn’t necessarily a problem in and of itself, but the … Read more
Ok, this one was truly torturous. Had to keep a magnifying glass next to the puzzle table for this one – lots of detail in each photo, but also lots of repetition of similar motifs in different places. Did the edges, then the white circle and NASA logo, then the orange, the the central blue … Read more
Another Buffalo Games puzzle: Cinque Terre Italy, from their Signature Collection Challenging one but fun – lots of detail, so it takes time to do but isn’t just large masses of color you have to guess about. We visited Cinque Terre a decade plus ago, but didn’t have time to hike up to this vista.