Puzzle: Luncheon of the Boating Party

Renoir painting Luncheon of the Boating Party as a jigsaw puzzle completed

Via Amazon, Auguste Renoir Luncheon of the Boating Party puzzle. Like many licensed artworks, there may be multiple versions of this available as a puzzle – the one I did was the EuroGraphics one which was a solid quality puzzle (albeit without a photo insert, so you have to keep looking at the box cover).

Difficulty was pretty high here – the color palette is subdued and that makes the difference between various bits (white shirts, blue jackets) difficult to distinguish – but its a beautiful image.

You can see the original in the Phillips Collection in Washington D.C. The rear cover of the box has a key showing who all the folks pictured are, including (seated at the left holding the dog) Aline Charigot whom Renoir later married.

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