Connecting your WordPress site to the fediverse:

Reblog via Neville Hobson

Great conversation between @docpop and about the ActivityPub protocol and connecting your WordPress site to the fediverse. It really is simple to do (unless your WP site is hosted on Siteground) and opens up huge possibilities for others to discover your content. I heard the best simple definition of the fediverse: "The social media version of email". Think about it! WordPress

Puzzle: Edward Hopper, Nighthawks

Via Pomegranate, who make a number of great art puzzles: Edward Hopper: Nighthawks 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Doing this as a jigsaw really makes you aware of what’s going on in the window you’re seeing through – the reflections of the other buildings on the street not seen, as well as the angles and framing … Read more

Reblog via Jonathan Desrosiers Today is Matt Mullenweg’s 40th birthday. While I’m not particularly close to him, I do consider him a friend in some ways. I’ve met him in person many times, though it’s often very brief. In the 17+ years I’ve used WordPress, I’ve also listened to him talk more than I can … Read more