Reblog via Ben Francis
Celebrating thirty years of the @w3c 💙
Reblog via Ben Francis
Celebrating thirty years of the @w3c 💙
Reblog via Alex Kirk While I keep maintaining my Friends plugin for WordPress, there is an area where it could do better because I am not great at it: the visual appeal. From pretty early on, I designed the plugin in a way that it Over time, some of this has changed or improved. For … Read more
Reblog via World Wide Web Consortium
We are happy to share that today the Social Web Foundation launched with a mission to help the fediverse to grow healthy, multi-polar, and financially viable.
We are looking forward to continuing to support the work that @evan @tomcoates @mallory are planning in the new non-profit foundation for expanding and improving ActivityPub and the fediverse. We are delighted that to the Foundation will be becoming a W3C Member.
Reblog via Matthias Pfefferle
in case you haven’t heard, it’s possible to follow #WordPress blogs on #Flipboard via ActivityPub. so all interactions on flipboard flow back to the blog! happy federated commenting, liking and sharing!
I wasn’t familiar with Flipboard – see – if you’re a user there you can follow this blog or goatless in Flipboard directly
Reblog via Eaton
It’s darkly hilarious that the cutting edge of productized LLMs consists of “counting the number of letters in a word by simulating all recorded human communication and recursively search for discussions about counting”
Quis calculis numerat?
Reblog via Mastodon Engineering We are excited to launch a new project that will help small and medium-sized fediverse servers and their users have better access to search and discovery through the use of pluggable Fediverse Discovery Providers, supported by a grant from @EC_NGI. See our new dedicated website for details:
Reblog via mike
Publishing a first attempt at a federated post from to facilitate FediForum session titled “WordPress as Content Authoring Tool for Fediverse” FediForum conference running on open space technology .
This session is intended to support additional discussion specific to adding social location data into Fediverse content, with potential to use WordPress as an example authoring tool.
Federation of this post made possible by WordPress activitypub plugin authored by . I hope to be working on extending these tools at WordCamp USA contributor day next Tuesday in Portland, Oregon.
Via Maroussia Lévesque: The Future is Analog (If You Can Afford It) The idea of “analog privilege” describes how people at the apex of the social order secure manual overrides from ill-fitting, mass-produced AI products and services. Instead of dealing with one-size-fits-all AI systems, they mobilize their economic or social capital to get special personalized … Read more
Reblog via Neville Hobson
Great conversation between @docpop and about the ActivityPub protocol and connecting your WordPress site to the fediverse. It really is simple to do (unless your WP site is hosted on Siteground) and opens up huge possibilities for others to discover your content. I heard the best simple definition of the fediverse: "The social media version of email". Think about it! WordPress #ActivityPub