Puzzle: Hopper, Portrait of Orleans

Completed jigsaw puzzle: painting by Edward Hopper titled Portrait of Orleans - small town street corner with Esso station sign.

Via Amazon: Edward Hopper, Portrait of Orleans

I’m a huge fan of Hopper, and especially works he did in Massachusetts on Cape Cod and Cape Ann. (The Cape Ann Museum does a wonderful walking tour of houses Hopper painted in Gloucester).

This one, Portrait of Orleans, is in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco who have a nice page about it.

Like many puzzles made from fine art that wasn’t necessarily intended to be a jigsaw puzzle, it’s pretty challenging – lots of subtle variations of blue, green, grey, and brown across the road, sky, and treeline – but it’s a very well made puzzle from Pomegranate.

(See the same puzzle on thepuzzlesivedone)

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