I gave a talk at the Boston WordPress Meetup last night about WordPress and the Fediverse
Slideshare link (You Got Your WordPress in My Fediverse) or embed below:
You Got Your WordPress In My Fediverse / You Got Your Fediverse in My WordPress – Two Great Things That Go Great Together from John Eckman
Went well I think – did not have a ton of time to put it together, and you could spend hours explaining the Fediverse or WordPress, but I tried to make it useful to folks interested in exploring more on their own.
@jeckman thanks a lot for spreading the word ☺️
@jeckmanThanks for this. I knew about the WordPress AP plugin, but not Friends Also, how come you don't link to your Mastodon account on your site?
Because my mastodon account is really just for testing / validating how things get sent to Fediverse subscribers.
The “follow” button at the bottom of profiles elsewhere on johneckman.com is actually the account I use to follow people and interact with people
so I have
which are the identities I publish, and the mastodon.social account is really just for testing/debugging@jeckman Sorry, hopefully my testing isn't bothering you. Just trying to get a feel for the interface and how interactions work with Friends. (P.S. "goaltess" is misspelled above.)
Thanks – fixed the spelling.